Turkish & Italian Joint International Animal Reproduction Congress

2nd International, 11th National Reproduction and Artificial Insemination Science Congress, 10-13 October 2024, Kemer/Antalya/Türkiye

Submission deadline: 15 JUNE 2024.

Language and Submission: Abstracts must be in English and submitted electronically via

Publications: Abstracts previously published in non-indexed eBooks can be included with certain disclosures.

Author Limitation: Each author is limited to two submissions.

Type Selection:

  • Authors choose a subdivision relevant to their research.
  • Presentation options include poster presentations, oral communications, a young researcher competition, and a best poster competition, and mini reviews
  • Please download the mini review guidelines for detailed information on mini reviews.
  • Title: Should be concise and under 100 characters, avoiding abbreviations.

    Authors and Affiliations:List all authors and their affiliations with detailed address information. Mark the corresponding author distinctly.

    Text Requirements:The abstract should not exceed 1000 words, be single-spaced in Times New Roman font, size 12, and include page and

    line numbers. The text should follow the IMRAD format (Introduction and aim, Methods, Results, Discussion and conclusions) and include

    keywords and nomenclature as specified.

    **All participants who wish to contribute to the Turkish & Italian Joint International Animal Reproduction Congress 2024 are invited to submit

    their abstracts. Please be informed that all abstracts submitted will undergo peer and blind reviews process and all submissions will be

    published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science Journal (SCI) following peer and blind review process.

    Poster Guideline